Welcome to Hunting Search

Students - Follow the directions below and have a great time!

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Don't forget to fill out the form when you get done!

Hunting Stories
Read one of these hunting stories and summarize it by writing a few sentences about the main points on your paper.

Todd's Deer Hunting Stories
White Tail Story
The Hunter's Hunting Stories
Tall Tales/ Hunting Stories
Deer picture

Deer Hunting and Gun Safety
Visit one of these sites and write down 3 safety tips that you learn.
Deer Hunting and Gun Safety
Hunting Safety

Deer Data
Visit this site and write down 3 facts about deer that you learn.
Planet White Tail

Hunting Sites
Here you will find sites devoted to hunting. Explore some of these sites and jot down a few things that you like. You will be writing a paragraph after you get through exploring. I also want you to save your favorite hunting picture to a floppy disk. Instructions here. You can then print your picture on the color printer.

Elk Hunting
Duck Hunting
White Tails
Chaos Knight's Trophy Room
Turkey Hunting
Todd's Deer Hunting Page
Deer Picture

Hunting Tips
Visit some of these sites and write down 3 interesting tips that you learn, or summarize one of the methods so that I, a non-hunter, can understand it.

Duck Picture

Deer Hunting Tips
Hints and Tips
Tips on Finding Whitetails
Tips on Rattling
Tips on Scouting
Tips on Hunting Scrapes
Field Dressing your Deer
Hunting and Outdoor Tips and Tactics
Deer Hunting Methods
Rifle Hunting
Bow Hunting

Now that you have finished exploring, go HERE to let me know what you thought and to write your paragraph. This form will be a portion of your grade. I have also set up a Message Board that you can leave comments on. I know that students who aren't in my class are using these searches, and I would like to hear your comments, and suggestions for future topics. Just remember it is a public board, and everyone will be reading what you write.

I hope you had a good time!

Please email me if there are any broken links.

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Spun Dreams- web design

Graphics on this page are the property of Mrs. Olson's Virtual Classroom
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